Tuesday, 1 October 2013

4 weeks, ITCHY!!!

I made it! 4 weeks! This week has been strange, good day/bad day/good day/ bad day. One day my skin is smooth, no tightness or redness, the next day is flaking off, right and itchy beyond belief! I am staying positive and it's gettinging less extreme everyday, I've had a few funny comments at woe though, " you look terrible you should go home! Are you ill?" Etc, again thanks.
I don't understand the idea that it is ok to comment on this, I would never approach someone and inform them of their morbid obesity or terrible haircut. Do people think I am unaware I what my face looks like? That is just leave the house without looking in the mirror. People of earth, leave ermine alone. I also find that people find it ok to constantly tell me "oh you're so skinny" as I am slim, but what if I had suffered from an wasting disorder? Is that any different from calling someone fat? Can't we just stick to "you look great/lovely/ I love your outfit" instead of highlighting the worst thing and telling them,  like thy hadn't noticed? Yes, something of a rant there, but I have recently been considering our willingness to offer our opinion, even whe it isn't asked for.
It's nice to be able to kiss my partner again without putting my hand over his beard, or pulling away due to the irritation.
I have so started using dermalex cream for rosacea and cuperose, to add some moisture to my skin along wit sweet almond oil over the last couple of weeks. And it has really helped with he dryness and redness.  So here are this weeks pic

The redness is really dying down, although at the side and tip of my nose I have these weird wrinkles when I smile or stretch my nose, like the skin is cling film!
Hopefully next week it will relax a bit and be less ITCHY!! 

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