Saturday, 14 September 2013

More photos and progress!!!

So as I said in the last post, 1 week and 4. Days in.
Feeling much better throughout the day, however when I wake up my eyes are really swollen, this has happened or about the last three days, so my routine has become as follows;
Get up and straight into Epsom salts bath, and using a flannel gently wipe the flaky skin away and press the hot flannel against my face, this seems to take a bit of the swelling down and loosen the tight skin.
Immediately after that slather my face in sweet almond oil, which requires reapplying 10 minutes later. 
Take ibuprofen to ease the swelling and use a dozen bag of peas against my face for 10 minutes to take the swelling down further. 

After that its more oil and massage throughout the day, foundation is a no no unless I am going to work, then it's just to cover any dark circles under my eyes.
Here are some pictures from a week in

Big difference! Spots are less angry and there is less general redness, but you can see my eyes are swollen. My nose is very red at the end, and swollen when I first wake up. The tightness is my skin is easing off, this might be due to me forcing myself to smile and make facial expressions as I normally would.  I have resisted the urge to itch, I really don't want an infection or scarring from this. 
My partner has been brilliant, so supportive and boosts my confidence, even though I was in a terrible mood a couple of days ago and spent the day moaning and snapping at him, I felt awful and he realised why I was so down in the dumps, but it really dominates your thoughts. He deserves a medal!
 So here's some pictures from today

The swelling is easing off, I think this may be to do with the Epsom salts and ice packs. 
The skin around my eyes is a bit red, almost like the cartoon deadpool! But on the whole I can't believe how well I'm doing, all you have to do is google "topical steroid withdrawal" and see how bad some people suffer.
When I'm in a warm room my face gets all hot and red so I'm trying to stay cool most of the time. People at work have commented that it looks sore and asked questions but have been pretty supportive, so my positive mental attitude is a bit easier to maintain.
More posts and pics to follow, ill try not to bore people to death. 

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